Monday, February 3, 2014


I did research on butterflies when I went to a butterfly exhibit and I learned a lot.
There was the paper kite butterfly, my favorite.

From: Southeast Asia 
Size: 9-10 cm
Color: Yellow and Black
They like to stay in groups with the same kind of butterflies and they like cool places.

Then there are the Great egg-flies.

From: Madagascar, Asia, and Australia
Size: 7-9 cm
Color: black, blue, and white
They like to land on people and are very territorial.

There are the Asian swallowtail.

Size: 10-13 cm
Color: black and white
These little guys are very playful with other butterflies and love flying at fast speeds.

That's all I gathered while I was in there but I learned a lot about the beautiful creatures.

Thanks for viewing!